In Flight Monday

Butterflies are plentiful. I’m seeing more Zebra Swallowtails than ever. Today there was a pair, and an extra showed up. Here’s the pair. Curiously, one would disappear under the lantana when approached by the other. Maybe they sought privacy. There’s a pawpaw nearby, just in case they need a host plant.

Gulf Frits were everywhere but favored Pride of Barbados, I wondered if it’s because they’re orange, and like orange flowers.

A crop duster flew over as I was out with the butterflies, en route to a field south of here.

I saw others, a Buckeye that wouldn’t hold still for pictures, a dogface who would hold still but when they’re on flowers, their wings are folded. I never get a good shot where you can see the ‘poodle face’ plainly.

Spicebush Swallowtails are our most plentiful, here on Pentas.

From August 2009

Here’s a final Zebra, my fav, on lantana surrounded by Madagascar periwinkles.