End of July Views

July was a long month with almost daily rain showers and lots of sunshine before and after the rain. Hot and Humid were the descriptors.

This bed has red and pink Pentas to attract butterflies, Cannas to anchor under a redbud tree. Daylilies in dark red are out of bloom, Pride of Barbados not yet in bloom. In the distance is another clump of Cannas and a row of Gardenias along the drive. Not visible are white Shrimp Plants.

This bed has Pentas to attract butterflies, purple Alternanthera, Liriope, and Cannas to anchor under a redbud tree. Daylilies in dark red are out of bloom, Pride of Barbados not yet in bloom. In the distance is another clump of Cannas and hedges of Gardenias along the drive. Not visible are white Shrimp Plants. Different view below.


Wisteria Keyhole

I cut a keyhole through the wisteria and box that gives a view to and from the iron bench.


All that hacking at wisteria triggers summer blooms.


Crape Myrtle behind; Tithonia to attract butterflies. Notice there is a Gulf Fritillary just to the left of the Tiger Swallowtail.


Spicebush Swallowtail


Lemon Grass with Madagascar Periwinkles. I am trying to use more grasses; I still think of them as weedy.


Butterflies are enjoying Yellow Lantana. It was late blooming, I think because of the rain.


Brugmansias are starting to bloom all over the garden. This one in the Upper Garden has a backdrop of Magnolia ‘Little Gem’ to the north and a Live Oak behind the Magnolia.


Porterweed is attractive to butterflies early in the day. It’s on the west side of ‘Little Gem’ magnolia.


Pentas are one of the favorite Butterfly plants in this garden. The taller Pentas work best. I have red, pale pink, medium pink, rose and white. Butterflies do not seem to have a color preference.


Tropicals were slow to take off this summer. Established Pride of Barbados plants have commenced bloom. Second year plants still do not have blossoms. Esperanza bloomed once and has finally started second round bloom.