The Colors of June

The colors of June:


Nothing annouces June in the Garden like Mophead Hydrangeas. Big blue are the result of slightly acidic soil. In an alkaline environment, the flowers will bloom pink. There are chemicals for manipulating the colors. Sometimes when I have a dripping stone birdbath or some old mortar in the soil near a hydrangea I may get some lavender or pinkish blooms because of the limestone.

Spring is all pink here when azaleas bloom, June features the blue of hydrangeas.

 Lacecap blooms on Hydrangea serrata “Woodlanders.”
My other lacecaps are H. Mariesii Variegata.
White Crape Myrtles are starting to bloom.
This one is underplanted with white LA Lilies for a cool look.
Verbena bonariensis is one of the cool purples in the landscape. Lantana montevidensis is just starting to bloom in lavender, and white. I plan to root more white for the white garden around the greenhouse.
Salvia farinacea ‘Victoria’ in its second
year, seed grown and planted out.


Hibiscus syriacus. We always called it Althea.
You may know it as Rose of Sharon.
Byzantine Emperor Daylily, Belinda’s Dream Rose and Elodie LA Lily
Seedling bi-tone Daylily with Yellow Lantana and Ratibida.
In the distance, orange Daylilies and Kniphofia.
Kniphofia and Vitex, summer delights.
I am finding more tropicals as the weather warms. There is a new leaf on my Bird of Paradise Strelitzia species that I gave up on. Tecoma stans has yellow bells open! More Brugmansias are starting to make a Y at stem end, signifying that we should see buds soon.

I should have planted more Gladioli. This is a species glad, here for decades. Red and Purple bloomed as well and I brought a couple into the house to enjoy. Some cultures consider them furneral flowers. I think they are among the most sophisticated of cut flowers, in a vase alone.


Yellow Daylilies and Black Eyed Susans, June sunshine.