Bloom Day May 2014

May in gardens farther north is at the height of Spring Bloom. Here in the Coastal South, it is the end of spring, beginning of summer and more work than I can get to.

Amaryllis Appleblossom

Amaryllis Appleblossom bloomed from an offset I potted last year from a bigger bulb .

Persian Shield is blooming in the greenhouse, emerging from the roots in the garden.

Persian Shield is blooming in the greenhouse, emerging from the roots in the garden.

DSCF4345Outside, Daylilies are full of buds and some are starting to bloom.

DSCF4632Vintage ‘Seven Sisters Rose’ and Confederate Jasmine climb an oak.

DSCF4683Louisiana Swamp Iris are winding down.

DSCF4686Hydrangeas are just starting to show color. Oakleaf Hydrangeas are almost fully open.

DSCF4705“Laura Bush’ petunias growing in cracks between a brick wall and the driveway.

Butterflies are just starting to appear. There was a Pipevine Swallowtail on Laura Bush yesterday.

DSCF4715‘Little Gem’ Magnolia perfumes the air. Seedling Rose Campion is everywhere.


DSCF4760First of true lilies to bloom, a LA Lily whose name I’ve forgotten.


We are linking up with Carol for Bloom Day at May Gardens.

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