Bloom Day November

Last night’s freeze was about an hour of cold just enough to make tender leaves twist and blacken. Some protected areas still boast blooms.

Brugmansias on the south side of the house still have blooms. Those on the other side of the driveway have dropped all color.

White Shrimp
Salvia leucantha under pines frames a dry Hydrangea bloom.
Scattered rose blooms persist.
Gulf Muhly is not as spectacular as it was a week ago. Lantana montevidensis will persist until a really hard freeze. Melampodium protected by Duranta above it, also still blooming,  Melampodium in the open ground is blackened.
Duranta persists
White Camellia Sasanqua
Camellias, our winter standby. C. sasanqua starts the season.
Visit Carol at May Dreams Gardens to link up and visit other Bloom Day blogs.