Epiphyllum oxypetalum or Jesus in the Manger

Use your imagination to see the Manger with a bright star overhead and angels around the Manger. Mama called this ‘Night Blooming Cereus’ but the plants are not a cereus.


These 4 opened last night. This morning they were still open because it was still dim and cool in the greenhouse.

Epiphyllum oxypetalum

Epiphyllum oxypetalum



Broader view of the plants, below. They were squeezed into the greenhouse with long stems supported.




Jungle cacti, these will spend the winter indoors, moving out to a shady location in Spring.




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  1. Beautiful flowers – I have not seen those before.

  2. Southernruralroute.wordpress.com

     /  October 5, 2014

    The blooms are beautiful but those long, strappy leaves don’t do a thing for me. I have the same problem with amaryllis leaves.

  3. Stunning! My grandmother always grew these. She had one that was about 8 feet across and loaded with blooms every year. Thanks for sharing!

    • Nell Jean

       /  October 5, 2014

      If it was your Grandmother Morgan, she and my mother probably exchanged cuttings, Dell.

      Mama’s Aunt Annie used to cram pot and all into the back of her Desoto and haul hers all over Dunwoody at bedtime showing the blooms to shut-ins. Since then I learned to cut the flowers when they open fully, keep in the dark until the next day and carry just the blossom to someone to see.

  4. I see it!…how lovely!